Thursday, April 19, 2012

Looking for accom in Carcassonne in July,,,need advice.

Please help...need cheap decent accom from 11-15th. any suggestions?


Hi Ruggerboy

Sadley I think your going to be a bit pushed to find some where that isnt going to rip you off price wise now. I assume you know the 14th is the day of a large festival where people come from all over the world?

I have put a link to a very good map that shows all styles of accommodation which you could start with, also contact the tourist info office they are very helpful and will help you find some where.…

Have you got a car there? if so try villages out side of town.

Have you already booked your flight? for those dates ?

Anything else I can help with give me a shout


Thanks Skiddy, got a twin room in really beautiful looking art decco hotel twenty mins walk from old town for £330 four nights.

ryanair has £150 return flights each

car hire for four days £105

Booked all but car this morning, do you think we%26#39;ve been ripped off??? Please dont tell me we could of bought it alot cheaper.

Yeah mate know it%26#39;s bastille day monday, also my birthday on the 14th....planning on pretending the fireworks are just for me lol.




No OK I wont tell you then !!!

No seriously you did well.... In the future though try to book eailier, i find it cheaper.

While Im stood on the bridge watching the fireworks, I will raise my bottle to you and wish you happy birthday.

Is the place you found near the post office ? My Brother uses a art deco place near the post office. If its the same one he says its a great place.

Have you been to Carcassonne before ? its a loverly place for a holiday we love it.

Have fun


It%26#39;s called Du Soleil Le Terminus hotel and it%26#39;s aparently near the station, found it through

No it%26#39;s mine and my cousins first time, we hear the restaurants are a bugger to find with so many people eating out. recommend any oldie authentic reasonably priced ones and when should we book?

Can you party there?




Also what%26#39;s the average for meal there, two courses n a couple of bottles of vino?

Thanks mate



Right remenber your going on the busyest week of the year , my advice would be for lunch to sample some of the many sandwhich bar/ bakers around as they are really good value and very tasy places to eat. Take your food and a bottle to the canal or the park ,square, river and have a picnic( lots of people will be doing this. My favorite is near the cafe mocka on place carnot ( turn left outside your hotel and follow the rd right into the square) cafe mocka is good if its rainey to sit in, if you ask they will let you bring food in from that sandwhich bar to have with your coffee. If its hot go on the square to cafe felix ( with orange cushions on the chairs. there you can sit and drink all day while watching the world go by. food is good and a good price , 2 coarses maybe 15/20e plus what ever you are drinking. In the evening you have a good resturant right out side your hotel on yoor right as you go out (forget the name ) but have eaten there and it was very good. also you have La comedie which is on the road leaving the square on the other side of where you came into it. If you want a good internet cafe ( rue de vernun) turn right onto it from the square and keep going you will find it on the left. if you have your own lap top its free but you have to buy a drink once an hour ( normal prices) or you can rent a computer (cheap) the boys there are very nice and young they will tell you the best places to party !! there are plenty of bars full of young people, im afraid a old fart like me just likes to sit on the square in the evening watching other people having fun. and get quitely squiffy !! Have fun


For an evening meal you are looking at 20/30 e each this genrally includes a bottle of wine you then pay for any more you want. but depending where you go, its possible to start at 15e and go up to 50e each

depends what you want


Also as you have a car , drive to Caprespine and visit the hugh caves there( nice and cool) they are fantastic , from there drive up the montain to pradelles here you can swim in the lake then finish off going to the pic de nore for some amazing views ( as long as its clear)right over to the pyrenees, and look down on to carcassonne. take a picnic and a bottle and just enjoy the view. take your camera


one more question if i may i call you skid?

Another reasons for the trip is my cousin Lisa has had a very hard time of it lately all work related and i%26#39;d like to find the type of restaurant that she%26#39;d really love.....price isnt an issue.

Lisa loves old looking, romantic type places. candles, taverns, low cave like ceilinged type places, lots of atmosphere with maybe some jazz or edith on in the backround with good basic french food.

I%26#39;d imagine there could be places there that fit that bill with it being such an old town....don%26#39;t suppose you know of any?

Sorry to impose on you yet again,



This is a wonderful restaurant:

The food, wine , service, the garden, even the bull frogs in the pond make this an evening to remember. I can truley say the best resturant I have ever been to any where in the world. Take a taxi as it a little out of town and then you can have a drink and not worry about finding it. You may need to book.and you may need to take a tie, but its not formal casual smart clothes will be fine .

This is at the top end of the price range but not that bad , check out the menu under the resturant link, the menu is about half way down. If you can go there you wont reget it, and if you like the sweet trolley like I do you will think you are in heaven, if you smile nicely the waiter will let you try a bit of everything.

I sort of envy you you first trip to carcassonne, I hope you love it and come back again and again, its a magical place

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