Sunday, April 15, 2012

VAT refund at CDG

We will depart at CDG on Sun May 11th, 1:30pm. Do you know how early should we be at CDG if we need to have our VAT refund?



I like to be at the airport 3 hours prior to any int%26#39;l flight. The line at the office isn%26#39;t usually long. Two and a half to three hours should be sufficient. Be sure to have the purchased items with you, so if you check in first, have your items in your hand-carry.


I agree . . . arrive atleast 3 hours in advance of your flight. The VAT offices are pretty easy to locate. I always drop off my VAT documents, have them stamped, show the officials my merchandise, but after 10 years of traveling, I have yet to receive the VAT refund!!! One day . . . .I hope this changes.


We bought some things at Chanel in 2006 and got about 200 dollars in VAT refund back to our credit card. Just make sure to have the merchandise ready to show the officials at the VAT office. Don%26#39;t pack it.


Hate to sound stupid, but what exactly is the VAT, some kind of sales tax refund for items purchased in other countries?


VAT means %26quot;value added tax%26quot; (at least that%26#39;s the English equivalent term) and it%26#39;s built into the purchase price of all goods and most services you buy in Europe. It%26#39;s also steep - abaoutaa 19%, so getting even part of it back is a big deal potentially. Most stores (large ones, or ones that sell expensive goods) are set up to let you get part of it back if you are taking the goods out of the country (which is why you do this at the airport). You can find explanations of the whole process in shopping guides such as the %26quot;Born to Shop%26quot; series.

For department stores, etc., generally you need to have spent at least 200 euros to get any refunded. They will have forms to be filled out (you will need your passport or at least passport number). You don%26#39;t get the whole amount back, but may get half or more depending on the store (they seem to be able to decide what/whether you get a refund).

Take the forms completed by the store (they will give you an envelope but you may have to get your own stamp - your hotel should be able to help) to the %26quot;detaxe%26quot; (refund) window at CDG, with the goods (so you can prove they are with you, and not just handed off to a local resident while you get a refund that is available only for things leaving the country). If you bought something that has to be checked (e.g., liquids, or sharp objects) do this before you check your luggage.

The detaxe official will stamp the forms, and you then drop them as completed into a mailbox (there are several on the concourse where you check in). I have never had a problem with getting a refund (although once I got a totally useless - to me - check in pounds for some purchases in Edinburgh). Normally, it will just show up as a credit on your credit card statement a couple of cycles later. (It%26#39;s easiest to do this if you use a credit card for puchases where you will seek a VAT refund.)


I heard you can choose case or credit card refund for the VAT. Is it true?


Sorrie, typo

I meant Cash


Yes, you may choose whether you would like them to credit the card you purchased with or they can mail you a check. I did the former.

And happyone, I agree with the time schedule the prior posters listed - I was nervous that the line was going to be crazy and I wouldn%26#39;t get my form stamped - but it was a breeze.

Have a wonderful trip.


They didnt look at my goods in September.... And, got the refund credited to my Visa about 2 months ago, so it only took 5 months!

first time I actually did it and it was painless


So I can%26#39;t take the cash during my refund process at CDG? Only check or credit card?

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