Saturday, April 21, 2012

Changing Marais? Yahoo Article

Saw this article today n the changing face of the Jewish Quarter. Any thoughts?;_ylt=AtsnRtaDLK8xd7NBRui1JeCUU80F


I sort of just skimmed it, but as a non-religious Jew, I have to say I still got a real feel of Jewish community when I was there in September. It was during the holidays and the temples were packed with people - I started up a conversation with one guy who invited me, despite fact that I wasnt dressed appropriately and had Monoprix bags!

When you go to L%26#39;As at night, its 90% men in yamulkas. I commented to my mother (who lives there when not in St Barth) about the prevalence of yammi wearing gay men and she corrected me that these are not gay men - just men out together while their wives are home doing whatever Orthodox women do when their husbands are out gallavanting around.

And any Orthodox friends I have here stay there when in Paris.

Im sure its different for outsiders like me - not as obvious as the changes would be to a local who sees it day to day - but its nothing like Miami where you have the guys in rollerblades with piercings and thongs next to the Hassids with fur hats!


I think it is sad that the neighborhood is losing it%26#39;s Jewish flavor. I do think the Jewish deli%26#39;s in that neighborhood are run down and are not inviting to tourists other than for curiosities sake. I would like to see them remain but update them so their %26quot;flavor%26quot; lives on without the run-down-ness living on.


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