Saturday, April 21, 2012

HELP !! In Brittany July/08. Need advice !! (on everything)

Hi All:

At the last minute (9 weeks I find out we will have to spend the first 10 days of our summer holiday this year in Brittany. Bummer.

Anyhoo, we are dropping off the teenager at a camp in Le Trinte Sur Mer and then my wife and I are on our own for 10 days. We have never explored this part of France before. We will have a little car, map and no idea where to go.

Take a weeks rental somewhere and home base out of there? Where? Wing it and drive and stay wherever? Drive south? north? I don%26#39;t want to make it a total driving holiday, I like to chill quite a bit, but a few hours a day in the car is fine.

Any advice will be helpful. Thanks.

Doug %26amp; Tammy



La Trinite is very close to Loire Atlantique and not too long a drive (a few hours) from the Loire Valley with its magnificent chateaux. I%26#39;m sure you don%26#39;t need telling about the lovely Loire wines.

While you are dropping off your teen to camp, take a look at the Carnac Alignments nearby


There are LOADS of suggestions of Places to visit on the Brittany Forum if you hunt around a bit.

As well as Carnac, some other lovely places to see are the Cote Emeraud and Cote Granit Rose, Cap Frehel, La Belle Isle, Monts D%26#39;Aree, The Parish Closes.

In general, finding accommodation as-you-go in France is not TOO difficult, as long as you are prepared to be flexible from staying in Formule1 to Chateau, Chambre D%26#39;Hote to 5* Hotel!

Do some basic research YOURSELVES about Brittany, then come back on the forum with some more specific questions.


Two favorite places from our trip to Brittany last summer (keep in mind we like history and the outdoors):

Cap Frehel and Fort La Latte (sp?)-- gorgeous area

Carnac -- don%26#39;t miss the alignments of standing stones. When I was preparing for our trip last year, I had read on this site that the crowds and fences (around some the lines) took away from the experience. So I was prepared to be disappointed but wanted to go regardless. When we went, I was amazed by these rows of HUGE stones marching in long lines for a kilometer or more into the distance. And we only visited one of three main alignments. We were lucky because it was a showering, windy day, which kept the place almost empty. But I would think that if you can get there early enought before the tour buses, you can avoid the big crowds.


You really need to get a couple of good guide books and start reading so that you can identify the things and places that are most interesting to the two of you - then come back to forum for specifics about your specifics.

Additionally, try to get a rail map and the Thos Cook rail timetable for Europe - it has all the various trains, and lists all the intermediate stations, which is even more valuable than the timetables. That will tell you whether you can spend at least some days independent of your car. I%26#39;ve been told that fuel ranges from $7 to $9 per gallon. The train is cheaper, and you don%26#39;t have to park it.

The only near the coast city I%26#39;ve been in is Nantes, which is charming and easy going - La Rochelle and Honfleur are on my to see list - but I haven%26#39;t gone there yet. The Camargue area is also on my list - we are birders - but no joy yet for that either.

You have too many choices to leave it to one of us to tell you what you will like. Get going on your research so the trip you take is the one you will most enjoy - 10 days sans teen are not to be squandered.


We stayed in a little village near St Philibert a few years ago. We had a wonderful 2 weeks there, we don%26#39;t mind driving up to about an hour and we found loads to do in the area.

Some of the previous suggestions seem to be recommending places that are a long way from there if you are considering them as day trips.

La Trinite is an unpretentious yachting town, and is quite attractive. There is a fabulous beach between there and Carnac called Men-Du. Carnac itself is split into the charming old town and the rather busier new town.

You can visit the Golfe du Morbihan (lots of boat trips available) and the lovely city of Vannes. Auray is a beautiful old town with a historic harbour, and the Quiberon peninsula is wild and fabulous.

I%26#39;m sure you can google that lot to give you some more info. A book we%26#39;ve always found very helpful for things to do is the Hachettes Vacances Brittany guide.

Hope this gives you some food for thought!


Thanks everyone for the varied advice.

Ok a little homework done at this point.

We will be spending our first two nights here close to La Trinte Sur Mer. Still looking for a hotel or Gite. Suggestions?

Then we will travel down to spend a night at Noirmoutier en-I%26#39;lle. Might spend a night somewhere enroute.

Then maybe a night in Nantes.

And finally 4-5 days in the Loire Valley. Wine tasting...yum. Not sure where approx. yet. Tours area perhaps. Good home base suggestion here?

We are thinking of taking a bike tour or self guided tour at this point.Anyone taken one?

Finally make our way back to Paris.

Thanks Again.

Doug %26amp; Tammy


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Hi again:

Even more homework done at this point.

La Trinte%26#39; Sur Mer (2) nights @ B%26amp;B.

We are ok here. I%26#39;ll need a few days to get my head turned around after a long flight and day from western Canada. Just going to chill, eat, drink a few glasses of wine, take it easy. Will take in the local sites Carnac, beaches, etc.

Travelling (3) nights

This is still where I need help. Not sure whether to spend a (1) night in Nantes, then Le Rochelle and area yet. Suggestions. I hear there is a music festival at this time of year in Le Rochelle, anyone been?

Cangey, Loire Valley (3) nights @ B%26amp;B

Securing a B%26amp;B here. It is between Tours and Blois. Seems to be central to the Chateaux%26#39;s and wine tasting. Not to concerned on agenda here. Just want to drive around, wine taste, maybe bike ride, not sure.

Anyhow, any suggestions from all of you well seasoned Francers would be appreciated.

Thanks again.

Doug %26amp; Tammy



There is a MASSIVE rock festival in July in Carhaix, near Huelgoat. Big names including Babyshambles, ZZ Top, Motorhead.

Accommodation booking up fast in the Huelgoat area!


The Cote de Granite Rose (pink granite coast) is a lovely area in the north coast of Brittany.

There are some beautiful beaches and when the light is right the colour of the rocks is wonderful.

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