Thursday, April 19, 2012

Paris - alternative to Paris Museum Pass

Is there any alternative to the Paris Museum Pass? We will be in Paris for a month, and I don%26#39;t want to rush through the museums in 6 days. Even a discount on museum entrances would be most welcome. Has anyone heard of such a thing?


stop worrying about museum costs -- the entrance fees are very modest -- heck I paid as much to visit a really lousy art museum in Florida and another in Bellevue Washington as I did for the Louvre.

Given the high cost of a trip from the US to Paris -- don%26#39;t nickel dime the entrance fees -- they really are nothing much compared to your sunk cost on the trip. A ticket to the Louvre is one of the greatest bargain in the world and the same goes for the other great sites.

you are smart not to jam a hurried hit and run museum ramble into your trip to just save a few bucks. These places are much better enjoyed when you go when you wish and take your time.


It%26#39;s not just the cost. the pass enables you to bypass the queues. One year when we were in Paris we bought tickets for the Musee D%26#39;Orsay in advance (no queue at that window) and sailed in two days later avoiding the queue. This does mean some forward planning and revisiting an area.


Since you are in Paris for a month you have lots of time. I wouldn%26#39;t buy a pass just to skip lines. Many museums have no lines, or very short ones. You can also avoid lines at the Louvre easily by entering through the shopping mall underground( entrance off Rue Du Rivoli) or from the metro stop and just buying ticket from the machines there( take cash as they still don%26#39;t take non micro chipped CC%26#39;s as of last August anyways) . The Orsay, buy ticket ahead, and for sites like Orangerie just go first thing before opening . Also, check the Towers at Notre Dame are open some evenings and lines are short then.


Thanks everyone for the input! We%26#39;ve spent lots of time in Paris before and we will of course go to as many of our favorite museums as possible during our stay -- we will probably visit some of them more than once! But with entrance for 2 to the Louvre at 18E, 16E to D%26#39;Orsay, 20E to the Pompidou, 18E to the science museum (La Villette), 16E to the Marmottan, etc., it%26#39;s going to add up. If there happened to be a discount card of any kind, it would be worth taking advantage of.


Okay- so this is what I%26#39;ve gathered from reading other forum posts: (I%26#39;m not interested in a Museum Pass)

You can buy Musee D%26#39;Orsay tickets in advance, whether through the websites or or at the museum itself for the next (few?) days. Buying tickets in advance is recommended. (I%26#39;m also one to try to skip the queues where possible.)

Question: Going to the two above websites, it looks as though I have to pay a bit more (I%26#39;m concession, so about 2.50 Euros more). I%26#39;m leaning towards just buying tickets the day before I plan to visit. I arrive in Paris in the morning, have lunch, will visit Arc de Trimophe, possibly stroll along Champs Elysees for a bit and book museum tickets. How does that sound?


Some of the museums offer a discount on other museums or buildings. Orsay and Rodin and the discount on Moreau and Opera Garnier. With a month, take full advantage of the first Sunday free (if you are here) and any/all of the combo offers. Also Louvre is only 6 E on Wednesday and Friday nights.

My favorites are Cluny (free until June 30) and Carnavalet always free. Means you get the carafe of wine versus the bottle :)


Many places, Musee Marmottan for example, are NOT included with the museum pass.

It%26#39;s probably most economical to get just a two day pass, for skipping ticket lines at the Louvre, Musee d%26#39;Orsay, Musee de l%26#39;Orangerie...

As mentioned, many places included on the museum pass have free admission all the time, so it%26#39;s good to have a list of those.


Sorry, I should have been more clear. My travel companion and I are only going to be in Paris for 3 days. We will definitely go to Orsay (Wednesday) and the Lourve (Friday night as it will be free entry). We might go to Orangerie if there%26#39;s time and we feel like it.

As such, we didn%26#39;t feel like the Museum Pass was worth it. Given that, how does my above plan sound for Orsay?


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