Saturday, April 21, 2012

doggie poo

we have just returned from Nice and although it is a lovely city they really ought to sort out the dog poo I spent a lot of time looking down while walking along as it was a job of dodge the dog poo, dont get me wrong I love dogs my son has a ridgeback which is a huge dog but he always picks up any mess he makes and disposes of it in the appropriate bin why cant Nice have some sort of law where owners clean up after there dogs it must me horrible when the weather gets really warm. I saw lots of owners walking their pets but i doubt if many cleaned up after them


I agree, it is a big problem and disgusting too. It has actually improved a lot over the last few years and there are signs, fines and laws about picking up. I have even seen the motor-bike pooper-scoopers like they have in Paris, in Nice. I do see some people picking up after their dogs these days so things are improving, but slowly.


If you think it%26#39;s bad in Nice, you should try Florence or Athens . . .

mind how you go ; )


If you think all those are as bad or worse, try London urban fox poo. Little %26quot;crottons%26quot; are positively aromatherapy in comparison.


Well at least the urban foxes in London don%26#39;t have anyone that should be clearing up after them.

The french are truly appalling in allowing their dogs to foul the pavements - it%26#39;s probably the only time they%26#39;re allowed out of their shopping baskets!!

True story. We were waiting for a bus close to the Casino in Monaco and witnessed the usual rat on a lead that passes for a dog in the area having a poo. Its owner - tall, thin, blonde, you know the type - then proceeded to wipe the dog%26#39;s backside with a tissue and left the tissue alongside the poo and walked away. You really cannot make these things up.


Worse than Nice in France for pavement presents is Cambrai with St Omer not far behind.Liked the story about the Monaco bum-wiping! I read on TA that Perpignan is particularly bad too.So it is a countrywide problem.


I loathe those rats on strings that overdressed women carry about with them.


On a recent visit to Le Touquet-Paris-Plage my master and I were ambing along the sea front when to our amazement we saw %26#39;doggie bag%26#39; dispensers.

%26quot;I%26#39;ve never seen those before%26quot; I woofed %26quot;In France or in the Mother country%26quot;

%26quot;You%26#39;re not wrong there, Rory%26quot; he replied %26quot;At least the some of the Local leaders in France are making an effort to keep the promanade clean and tidy%26quot;

After I had relieved myself my Master took advantage of the %26#39;bags%26#39; and with great care he cleared up the mess and disposed of the residue.

%26quot;Feel better, Rory?%26quot; he asked.

%26quot;Yes, merci%26quot; I woofed %26quot;The only problem Master is that you%26#39;ve just gone and trodden in a pile of the stuff because no one else seems to know how to use those damned %26#39;bags%26#39;%26quot;

My Master sighed!

Love Rory.






You will be happy to know that beginning June 1, thanks to the new mayor of Nice, people will be fined for not picking up after their dogs and well as for littering in general.


The new law will be a big improvement to Nice as it is a beautiful place and the image is shattered with the poo and litter. Will return there again one day and with any luck the streets will be paved with gold not you know what.

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